15 February 2010


Setelah lama gak ngepost, gue jadi feeling awkward mau nulis apa disini. Too much things to be told right now, guys. But anyway, happy valentine's day for couple who celebrate it. For me, that's just another sunday. Tired sunday. Capek? Karena tiga hari ini berlangsung sangat hectic. Kayaknya tiap detik harus gerak dari satu tempat laen. Mulai dari hari Jum'at kemaren, half-day di sekolah dan pulang jam 11 siang (atau pagi? who cares?), terus malemnya nonton konsernya John Mayer di Palace of Auburn Hills. Well, that was awesome though, I wasn't regret it. Konsernya sampe jam 12 dan nyampe rumah jam setengah 2 malem.

Besok paginya gue harus ke Ohio, which is 45 menit dari rumah gue buat coaching kelas jump rope yang dibuat sama local coordinator gue. The class was pretty amazing, we did a very good job. Abis dari Ohio, akhirnya gue pulang dulu ke rumah buat istirahat dua jam dan abis itu langsung ke partynya temen hostmom gue sampe jam 11 malem. Walhasil, sekujur badan gue adalah pegel dan sakit. But that's worth with what I've got prior to right now.

Dan minggu depan nampaknya akan lebih padat lagi jadwalnya karna hari Sabtu gue ada perfrom di University of Michigan pas Indonesia Cultural night, we'll (gue sama mahasiswa Indonesia di U of M) do a saman dance. Hope we'll do pretty excellent dance there. Dan hari Minggunya gue bakal ikut acara appreciation dinner di Ohio buat guru dan kepala sekolah. gue bakalan masak masakan Indo, but at the moment when write this, my idea is equal zero or might be end up cooked by my hostdad since he's really great making any foods, literally any foods.

That's quick update what I was doing couple weeks ago and will do a week ahead. Hope you guys still breathing and stay awake when I fall asleep.

Michigan waving his hand and said "See you on the next post!".

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