25 October 2009

homecoming game

the big thing in the beginning of the year has just started, homecoming is in my way now. on second hour we got calling to go to gym for pep rally/assembly. that was so cool. we cheered and relished our time as a class member. Class of 2010 (senior) was very enthusiastic. then, i had voted for homecoming king and queen. there were 6 candidate king and queen, wearing best suit, dress and waving on the red carpet. All of students have to give a vote for king and queen for homecoming court 2009, right after pep rally done in our third hour.

third-sixth hour went by like common day, worksheet multiple boring. School dismissed, I went home to grandma's house which wasn't far away from my school. looking the clock ticking to 5:30, then I go. without skipped any dinner and those permissions from hostparents, I went to the parade. that was so freaking fun. despite we lost at the end and soaking wet from the sprinkled rain, blast at the night was so awful. Weeeww that was the great game i ever seen. Sniff u later with homecoming dance update.

19 October 2009

picture of the day

-welcome to this jungle of the words-

18 October 2009

apa kabar?

hello, just a couple minutes to the next day. i sit facing my laptop to turn out from my very straight saturday night. i'm not in the mood to share any happy story, and tears neither. well, i just want to say that i'm okay in here and staying cold because the weather coming lower. stuck in the lots lots lots of homework i should done this monday. no wonder i repine because in back home i'm not used to get (so much) worksheet like here. but that's consequences though, sacrifice something to get the better things is not a big deal, isn't it?

by the way, this monday i would have a spirit week. when all pupils at school will dress-up till homecoming dance on satruday night. i hope it will such a blast. i have no idea what i am going to wear next week, even i don't decide to dress-up yet. my school (i think also my state) is the latest who started school if i contrast to my another friend in different state. i started school on the first week on september, whereas another student has begun their school might be two weeks or one week earlier. so, no wonder if all of the events, such as homecoming, prom, etc in my school is starting so last year than another school here.

okay i will drive my steer to the school life here. don't ever think all of the school here is totally such a heaven school like you seen in a bunch of movie back there. its completely different, dude. my school was so strict, even more strict than my school back home, though i don't have to wear any kind of uniform, belt, hat etc here. fortunately, that's not a big odd here, my "value" was worked practically.

then friends. i need a little bit more definition about it. friends who can say "hi!" to you every single morning? friends where you can hangout with? friends when you told them you're foreigner they say "cool!"? or what? frankly, i don't have any close friends. tell me i just trying to figure out my safe-zone (i'm not suppose to), or i'm just expecting about anything here. it's been two months since i came here and it's been a month since begun to school. yaay i am pretty ridiculous to confess any such retarded things here, but at least it could be my motivation. pray for me folks! for the all little confession i just want to say, i'm happy, i'm tough, and i have to show my effort, more...more...more....

at the bottom of this page, i just want to say sorry about my friend Utha, who row in a died two days ago. though i''m just know you for a second, i know you're such a good and lovable person. i send a deeply condolences to what happened about. have a nice flight to heaven, buddy!

best regards,

11 October 2009

awesomeness come!

Saturday Morning

"pumpkin, as big as ball, as orange as fall. "

"pick me some hiding-pineapples, mom!"

"colorish flower, seems smile if better"

"sit in the row, i know you scarecrow"

"just envy the color, don't dare to taste any bites"

"playing for me at least a tune"

"my mini-me comes back and give me any sweets"

"i know, ladybug is the best insect ever"

"a lot of stacks, a lot of bottles, zero drunk"

"give s'more places. downtown"

Place(s) : Eastern Market and Downtown Detroit.
Photographs by : Arief Budiman