19 February 2010

Annapolis' Star Student

Siapa yang nggak suka dikasih penghargaan? Walaupun cuma sekedar ucapan 'terima kasih'. Well, beberapa hari yang lalu, secara nggak sengaja pas MP2, guru gue ngasih dua lembar kertas. Kertas pertama dikasih yang isinya, kalo gue ada Star Student di Chemistry Class-nya Mr. Cole. Okay, that was awesome. Terus, abis gue chit-chat sama temen-temen gue, Ms. Gratton-Clark (guru Mp2 gue), manggil lagi dan ngasih kertas, yang ukurannya lebih GEDE. I mean that was bigger than I got couple minutes prior, though that was just as big as A4 print paper and the remaining paper as big as half of it, then it called bigger, didn't it?

By the way, setelah gue dapet kertas itu, gue bawa dulu ke meja dan sengaja gak gue baca. Pas udah sampe meja, baru gue baca kertas itu bareng temen-temen gue. It said, "STAR STUDENT OF THE TRIMESTER ! The certificate is awarded to Arief Budiman for dedication beyond the classroom at Annapolis High School". I was cheered up, finally my hard-work and dedication was appreciated though just by a piece of paper. Sehari sbeleumnya, temen gue ada yang bialng kalo gue nominated as Star Student of The Tri, tapi gue cuma, "Oh ok, that would be cool!", because fyi, you just can believe certain mouths here. Eh taunya doi bener.

Jadi prosedur netapin siapa yang bakal jadi Annapolis Star Student, tiap guru dikasih satu kesempatan buat milih siapa yang menurut mereka star student di kelas masing-masing. Pas gue tanya ke guru chemistry gue, kenapa dia milih gue sebagai star student, dia bilang karena gue bisa cepet menyesuaikan pelajaran yang diajarin dan gak semua exchange student bisa ngelakuin itu. That's probably the thing I shouldn't ask. I'll hit you the picture of the certificate soon.