19 November 2009

hope everything recently would reverse

Alright. This week isn't a pleasant week I've ever had, ever in my entire life pathetically. In between 4 days, I got some tough news. Well, hard to type this but, I lost 2 great men I've ever known and met. The first one is James Bartle, friend of mine in MP2 class. We've been known each other since I gone to Annapolis highschool. He's a nice person and smiley one. He has passed away on November 15, 2009 by car accident. I don't know what's any account of his accident lately. I was surprised when everyone just cried when I went MP2 and I found out, He's gone. I didn't really close to him, but one thing I know was he want to take a year off right after he graduate. Yeah. 3 months wasn't a long time to know somebody. But I know James was a very good person. Everybody sends their tears for him and that's make me recognize how lovable he is.

Then. It was surprising me either. Another man, who just did a great trigger of my life since my father passed away. He is my grandfather. That's might be a hardest thing I've done this year so far. Being left really behind to know what happen caused a humongous distance I had. November 17, 2009 19:00 pm, then back home was November 18, 2009 7:00am, my uncle text me from facebook, "De, Bapak ato (that's what I used to call him) udah gak ada tadi jam 6 pagi". Then I'm freeze. Something that right acrossed once on my mind and that's just happened. That's awful. I was felt very numb at the time. Then I told my hostparents. They were so surprised as I am. I tried to call home and talked to my grandmother and my aunt. I was just overwhelmed and you know how it feels when you really thousands miles away from your family and.... alright it was that bad.

Sometimes I feel that isn't unfair to let somebody in your life just passed away abruptly before you can at least say, "Goodbye!", "I love you!", or whatsoever. So many good times we've been for a long time. Really, I'm not ready being left of, will never. I just have to deal with my that's my bad side, because bad news never had good timing. Thank you for thy both to make my life more colorful and make me learn how to be loved, how to respect our own time, to do a good things because we just have a scant time.

*Dedicated for my Grandfather and also James Bartle. Rest in Peace, guys. Send my greetings to God and tell Him that you're always in my deep heart.


SAd3Y3S:. said...


Unknown said...

What doesn't kills you makes you strong.
The fact is everybody's gonna die, sooner or later. And god never tell us when. But there's a moral we can take from this situation, that we must be nice to each other no matter when, cause you don't know when will he/she pass away.. that's the art of loosing each other.

Indonesia miss you be haha

Arief Budiman said...

thanks astra and sad3y3s. yea, i know sometimes you just trapped in a sorrow without seeing the moral behind that. thanks for the support, life must go on and they don't need tears. abe missed indonesia already stra!