It has been heck of centuries since I was touching this platform, let it me feeling awfully sinned because of that. In my weakest defense, I wasn't abandoning anything in writing-wise, I just kept forgetting that every time I want to say something without anyone notice, I always have the home here. And besides, life is getting a lot more exciting these days. So....
Alright, I take the guilt.
But anyways, on last night's farewell party in my dormitory, one epiphany strikes. Really hard, my mind was quite tingled. Let's start this way. I have been staying in Japan for almost a year now. Not just you, I was surprised of that fact and got me thinking how I used to wonder how I am gonna survive in a really strange place, away from everyone I know.
Maybe some of you don't know, JAPAN-one country that was once the least country I have the interest into. I didn't understand the language they speak, let alone the way the people live here. The only thing I knew for sure a few years ago, people here eat a lot of fish that way they are one of the smart-ass Asian countries. I watched doraemon for more than half of my life, starstruck by pretty soldiers of sailormoon and laugh my ass of over potential-douche-in-the-future, Crayon Shinchan, but not Japan as a whole that got me interested. I could say that I only had slightest clue of what this country has to offer, until the offer really came on my face.
Life is too funny, they make you look back and left you cracked in laugh. But seriously, for once I thought that would be cool to grab a chance and take that leap of faith. So, I did and here I am writing this for you. I may regret what I am about to say later in life, but for now: this life, this kind of life that I have right now, is the one I have always wanted. I know there were bunch of woes and rants in the long run, but in a nutshell, I love what I am doing now. And the fact that what I have right now is what I earned myself, is a bonus I cannot avoid.
I am too grateful for everyone who made/makes/will make this journey happens. This is still keep on going and I always make sure to keep you have a lil' peek in a future.
God bless.
Japan, 2/23/2013