It was the tenth of this month (June), ten o'clock in the morning when we, the Seniors, had a practice for our graduation. Yeah, that is our final year in our public school career and school as the home for us to gain any knowledge, formulas and also "drama", celebrated our final moment with having such a wonderful graduation. That was pretty much what our principal told us three weeks prior to the Seniors to encourage us to get so much things and works done.
Walking on the stage, rehearse the march in and out, and the ceremony itself were pretty much pictured what we've been doing in the Allen Park Municipal Building to prepare us for the a beginning of a new journey that will start in about seven hours. The rehearsal went for two hours, with the whole practice from the beginning of ceremony until the end of it. Thank God, the video presentation about our four years journey (mine was a year) kept us entertained in the end of the rehearsal.
Five o'clock in the afternoon, my exchangee friends came from Ohio to attend my graduation yet they coming earlier to hang out a little bit at my house and went to the place where the graduation held. Pronto, I was changed in another form of me. Yeah I was covered by white shirt + black tie and black pants, a requirement if you willing to be graduated. Then I was packed my cap and gown in my drawstring bag. All my bag is packed, I'm ready to walk on the stage. Woohoo.
Those blue and gold sets of cap and gown colored every corner of the building when our name be called to fetch our "fake" folder of diplomas. My family and I were split, they were going to the front of the building while I went for my crowd and clique at the back (side actually) of the building. Oh the ceremony went very delicious and way very legit with three speeches from the valedictorian, which is a who get the highest cumulative grades on four years. Then there was salutatorian, which is the second highest GPA holders among other graduates. Those were Justis Cummins and Alicia Sevon. There was another speech also from our class president, Chelsea von Pagels. The rest of the speeches from these guys were hell boring.
Every touching speech always said our greatest-hearted buddy who already left us in this harsh world to face the Owner of this Universe. He is James Bartle, if you wanna know who he was, simply click over here. I always remember him with his great smile in front me every school day on MP2 until the unexpected Sunday night which just used up our days in grief and deep tears afterward. He was supposed to celebrate this breath-taking moment with us, ya he was supposed to.
As we marched out from the building, crowd bursts into laughter, tears, excitements, smiles and even something that you think it never showed until this 'moment'. Flashes showering among us and I don't know for how many yotabytes used up for pictured this event.
At last, I thanked Annapolis High School for the hospitality for this entire year, or even less. This place witnessed my journey from being a timid lonely student, to be at least stand out among the crowd for little message so-called 'peace' within warm company from teachers, beloved friends and everybody that I couldn't really mention one by one. Though it never crossed my mind at all, I should say. Farewell, we finally made it :)
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