30 November 2009
24 November 2009
umm, test was not tested me literally
Hey, pal! I have relieved now. Something happened back in the past, let it through. They grind my heart to be more tough and now that my life must go on. People might lost, but time never stopped and waiting for you. So that I think to be more be able to take it as my lesson I learned.
This week will be ended up the 1st trimester which I have to turn all the assignment in to the teacher, got the final test and so forth. Final test, umm... that's scary enough, isn't that? No more. If you guess test here is just piece of cake, you'll be have an extra credit (lol). You are absolutely right. Instead of back then you have to memorize any formulas prior to the exam, here even the teacher gives you the problem couple days before the exam. "Wow. So people there will be get at least B if the teacher gave you the problem," if you said that, probably I just say it depends, most of them aren't, terribly.
I'm not trying to be critical. In fact, kids here don't care about the test. But, that's unfair to distinguish something different. I think if Indonesia could apply several things done here, maybe the kids will be developed more innovative and greater, instead of memorizing something that you probably won't use it in the future anyway.
I just had 1st and 2nd hour final test actually, last Friday. That wasn't too bad. In 1st and 2nd, I had architecture and drafting, so I've had to make a multi-view of a tool (I didn't know what it was). It didn't take too long, in 30 minutes everything has set. I'm done. I printed it and chill out on my computer then. 3rd hour there is no test, because that's just kinda study hall. Then in 4th hour will be taking test tomorrow :o My teacher, Mr. Cutting gave us the all the questions (It's 125 questions. Insane) and we have to make a notes and write down the answer in incorporate answer. I did my Indonesian way, memorize it. It was tough, so I have to re-read after 25 questions.
In 5th hour, I had English. In particular, English is not pretty hard, but sometimes I just don't get it what the literature meant. But I was flattered with the grades in the previous test (before the finale one). Mmmm... yeah I got A+. Though I have to maintain 'till this term ends. Fortunately, I can use my notes and couple reviews for the final test. So, I would be so easy for me :) My sixth hour do that either, let me takes a note in the 3x5 cm note card that I can use in final test.
So far, it was easy for me to overcome all school stuffs, but luck always come for whom attempt. So we'll see. Then I have to determine what I will take for the next trime. Hope it will be better than the previous one.
Alright. I have to stop blabbering from it's going further and unstructure. I'm still tryin' poke your eyes sometimes folks! Watch out.
This week will be ended up the 1st trimester which I have to turn all the assignment in to the teacher, got the final test and so forth. Final test, umm... that's scary enough, isn't that? No more. If you guess test here is just piece of cake, you'll be have an extra credit (lol). You are absolutely right. Instead of back then you have to memorize any formulas prior to the exam, here even the teacher gives you the problem couple days before the exam. "Wow. So people there will be get at least B if the teacher gave you the problem," if you said that, probably I just say it depends, most of them aren't, terribly.
I'm not trying to be critical. In fact, kids here don't care about the test. But, that's unfair to distinguish something different. I think if Indonesia could apply several things done here, maybe the kids will be developed more innovative and greater, instead of memorizing something that you probably won't use it in the future anyway.
I just had 1st and 2nd hour final test actually, last Friday. That wasn't too bad. In 1st and 2nd, I had architecture and drafting, so I've had to make a multi-view of a tool (I didn't know what it was). It didn't take too long, in 30 minutes everything has set. I'm done. I printed it and chill out on my computer then. 3rd hour there is no test, because that's just kinda study hall. Then in 4th hour will be taking test tomorrow :o My teacher, Mr. Cutting gave us the all the questions (It's 125 questions. Insane) and we have to make a notes and write down the answer in incorporate answer. I did my Indonesian way, memorize it. It was tough, so I have to re-read after 25 questions.
In 5th hour, I had English. In particular, English is not pretty hard, but sometimes I just don't get it what the literature meant. But I was flattered with the grades in the previous test (before the finale one). Mmmm... yeah I got A+. Though I have to maintain 'till this term ends. Fortunately, I can use my notes and couple reviews for the final test. So, I would be so easy for me :) My sixth hour do that either, let me takes a note in the 3x5 cm note card that I can use in final test.
So far, it was easy for me to overcome all school stuffs, but luck always come for whom attempt. So we'll see. Then I have to determine what I will take for the next trime. Hope it will be better than the previous one.
Alright. I have to stop blabbering from it's going further and unstructure. I'm still tryin' poke your eyes sometimes folks! Watch out.
19 November 2009
hope everything recently would reverse
Alright. This week isn't a pleasant week I've ever had, ever in my entire life pathetically. In between 4 days, I got some tough news. Well, hard to type this but, I lost 2 great men I've ever known and met. The first one is James Bartle, friend of mine in MP2 class. We've been known each other since I gone to Annapolis highschool. He's a nice person and smiley one. He has passed away on November 15, 2009 by car accident. I don't know what's any account of his accident lately. I was surprised when everyone just cried when I went MP2 and I found out, He's gone. I didn't really close to him, but one thing I know was he want to take a year off right after he graduate. Yeah. 3 months wasn't a long time to know somebody. But I know James was a very good person. Everybody sends their tears for him and that's make me recognize how lovable he is.
Then. It was surprising me either. Another man, who just did a great trigger of my life since my father passed away. He is my grandfather. That's might be a hardest thing I've done this year so far. Being left really behind to know what happen caused a humongous distance I had. November 17, 2009 19:00 pm, then back home was November 18, 2009 7:00am, my uncle text me from facebook, "De, Bapak ato (that's what I used to call him) udah gak ada tadi jam 6 pagi". Then I'm freeze. Something that right acrossed once on my mind and that's just happened. That's awful. I was felt very numb at the time. Then I told my hostparents. They were so surprised as I am. I tried to call home and talked to my grandmother and my aunt. I was just overwhelmed and you know how it feels when you really thousands miles away from your family and.... alright it was that bad.
Sometimes I feel that isn't unfair to let somebody in your life just passed away abruptly before you can at least say, "Goodbye!", "I love you!", or whatsoever. So many good times we've been for a long time. Really, I'm not ready being left of, will never. I just have to deal with my that's my bad side, because bad news never had good timing. Thank you for thy both to make my life more colorful and make me learn how to be loved, how to respect our own time, to do a good things because we just have a scant time.
*Dedicated for my Grandfather and also James Bartle. Rest in Peace, guys. Send my greetings to God and tell Him that you're always in my deep heart.
Then. It was surprising me either. Another man, who just did a great trigger of my life since my father passed away. He is my grandfather. That's might be a hardest thing I've done this year so far. Being left really behind to know what happen caused a humongous distance I had. November 17, 2009 19:00 pm, then back home was November 18, 2009 7:00am, my uncle text me from facebook, "De, Bapak ato (that's what I used to call him) udah gak ada tadi jam 6 pagi". Then I'm freeze. Something that right acrossed once on my mind and that's just happened. That's awful. I was felt very numb at the time. Then I told my hostparents. They were so surprised as I am. I tried to call home and talked to my grandmother and my aunt. I was just overwhelmed and you know how it feels when you really thousands miles away from your family and.... alright it was that bad.
Sometimes I feel that isn't unfair to let somebody in your life just passed away abruptly before you can at least say, "Goodbye!", "I love you!", or whatsoever. So many good times we've been for a long time. Really, I'm not ready being left of, will never. I just have to deal with my that's my bad side, because bad news never had good timing. Thank you for thy both to make my life more colorful and make me learn how to be loved, how to respect our own time, to do a good things because we just have a scant time.
*Dedicated for my Grandfather and also James Bartle. Rest in Peace, guys. Send my greetings to God and tell Him that you're always in my deep heart.
10 November 2009
when i define love unlikely
Anyway people, I know it is a corny or even cheesy things I've ever written here. It's taken from my essay assignment in English class. I'm just want to share a thought about that corny stuff. Here you go, enjoy my words!
Love is an emotion when you would sacrifice anything you possess for something or somebody. love has no limitation. Whatever it takes, whenever it comes, the feeling is pretty similar. On my own thought, I would sacrifice anything could have for love as I think that make sense to be done. well, if we look what this term refers to be in narrow perspective, which means relationship between man and woman, boys and girls or kind of, then we're about fail to define this term.
For me, God is one thing to be loved and to be sacrificed . God is a greatest origin from whence the love derives and He also determines which something or somebody we love in. Frankly, I would give my most valued treasure for Him, yeah I'm trying. I still am. Have we conceived how much He gives his loves and graces to our as His slaves? We have to do a deep ponder before we answer that question.
If I have something I can give to Him, I do. I will do. How can you doubt to giving it when you recognize your breath and your own life now are His own belonging? Don't even answer it if you are'nt. Because love is not a gift, is about to give.
How was it? Okay maybe I'm an error-grammatical-author-ever, but you I'm here for learn and will never stop. Poke your eyes later guys!

Love is an emotion when you would sacrifice anything you possess for something or somebody. love has no limitation. Whatever it takes, whenever it comes, the feeling is pretty similar. On my own thought, I would sacrifice anything could have for love as I think that make sense to be done. well, if we look what this term refers to be in narrow perspective, which means relationship between man and woman, boys and girls or kind of, then we're about fail to define this term.
For me, God is one thing to be loved and to be sacrificed . God is a greatest origin from whence the love derives and He also determines which something or somebody we love in. Frankly, I would give my most valued treasure for Him, yeah I'm trying. I still am. Have we conceived how much He gives his loves and graces to our as His slaves? We have to do a deep ponder before we answer that question.
If I have something I can give to Him, I do. I will do. How can you doubt to giving it when you recognize your breath and your own life now are His own belonging? Don't even answer it if you are'nt. Because love is not a gift, is about to give.
How was it? Okay maybe I'm an error-grammatical-author-ever, but you I'm here for learn and will never stop. Poke your eyes later guys!

01 November 2009
homecoming dance
I took a bathe as soon as after I had brunch because at 2 o'clock we had to headed to my hostbro's girlfriend they would go to party bus (limousine actually) after heading to grandma's house. Two o'clock came by, my hostbrother and I dressed up for homecoming dance though I had a long leisure time to staying home because homecoming dance would start at 7 pm. We looked sharp and ready for photoshoot. Ya, we took some pictures over my grandma's. Thanks for the compliment for those pictures. I'm so grateful is hosted by a great photography skill family (because sometimes I got to be an object (harshly) or model (literally)). haha
Alright then, I went to my hostbro's girlfriend (by the time I wrote it they've been separated) and guess what? My hostparents took a lot more picture there, literally a lot more than I had in previous photoshoot. I didn't envy though. Because I kept thinking that night going a blast night as Black Eyed Peas keep blabbering, I gotta the feeling too.
Owkay. Photoshoot was over and time to get board on Party bus for my hostbro and her gf. That was the first time I saw a limousine or so emerged on my own eyes. Mmm but I don't get there though because some reasons. Story will be different after then.
We ride away to Heritage, about 3 miles away from my hostbro's gf home. Here, I got a new definition of 'Cold'. That was for real. Puncak's breezes nor class' air conditioner wasn't a quite equivalence what I got here. Might be terrible for me. Did I hate it? umm, not yet. People surrounding me keep panicking me away that the weather become lower and lower. I really do recognize it, much instead. But please, don't make it worse. I beg. Anyway, back to this place, we (minus hostbrother) got another photoshoot, at the same time we were waiting for my hostbro and his gf heading to Heritage Park with another Limo's rider, to took photoshoot either.
Their Limo (there's name of that car, but I can't remember - short term memory lost) has come as my photoshoot was over. I got right away to my car, but my hostparents. Then, someone's mother (then I called Lorraine's mom) said I have to get ride in Limo. I commended it right away and eureka.... I'm on the party bus.
Let's talk about it for a real quick. We went to Apple Bees for dinner at 5:00 pm then we heading to Annapolis for dance. yeaay!! Well, we arrived punctually there and got in a very long, hot and big line. Guess people, to got in the gym where we'' dance we took at least 45 minutes just to got in because a ton of people coming and simply two officers led the gate for people to registered. Huh.
Anywayyyssss, I got there and I'm alone, for the first 2 minutes in the gym. Then I hanging with my friends and start dancing. We got a blast. I'm not exaggerating. lol. It was relieving a lot from those worksheets, homework things, bad things I had before. Am I gonna miss it? I totally am.
After those dances. I wasn't about to go home yet. I went to my hostbro's fella home to watching super lame "paranormal activity" movie. Then the night was so fully of glad. If someone asks me for some more? No refuses at all I answer.

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